How hard is it to hide disappointment and live a normal life?

Disappointment is a natural part of life. We all experience it at some point, whether it’s a failed relationship, a missed opportunity, or an unmet expectation. But…

Nobody should decide to live the rest of the life in disappointment

Life is full of ups and downs, and it’s not uncommon to experience disappointment at some point. However, it’s important to remember that disappointment is a temporary…

The practice of being generous while expecting nothing in return

Generosity is a virtue that is often overlooked in today’s fast-paced and self-centered world. It is the act of giving without expecting anything in return, and it…

What is next when everything seems a failure?

Life is unpredictable and full of ups and downs. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things don’t go as planned, and we end up feeling like a failure….

Working selflessly, out of love for family members

Family is the most important thing in the world. It is where we find love, support, and comfort. It is where we learn our values and beliefs….

The effects of being burdened with family responsibilities prior to maturity

Growing up, it is common for children to have certain responsibilities within the family. However, when these responsibilities become excessive and interfere with a child’s development, it…

How does inferiority feelings develop in oneself

Inferiority complex is a term used to describe a feeling of inadequacy or insecurity that arises in an individual. It is a common feeling that most people…

When someone takes advantage of your generosity: How to handle the situation

Generosity is a wonderful trait to have. It allows us to help others and make a positive impact on the world. However, there are times when our…

Father of family fails to develop personality of his own children what would be the fate of children

If the father of family fails to develop personality of his own children what would be the fate of children The role of a father in a…

The biggest failure of our life is “Killing tomorrow to get the revenge of yesterday”

Revenge is a natural human emotion that arises when we feel wronged or hurt. It is an instinctual response that is deeply ingrained in our psyche. However,…

Paying heed to the old adage – “To be a champion, fight one more round”

In the world of sports, there are many adages that athletes and coaches live by. One of the most popular and enduring is “to be a champion,…

What really could be pillars of success

Success is a subjective term that means different things to different people. However, there are certain pillars that can help individuals achieve success in their personal and…

Is it worth turning the pages of life story backward occasionally and contemplate?

Life is a journey that is full of ups and downs. It is a journey that is unique to each individual, and it is one that we…

Perfectly failing in life

Why Failure is Essential to Success Failure is often seen as a negative experience, something to be avoided at all costs. However, failure is an essential part…

Why disappointment after Serving the community for decades

Serving the community is a noble act that many people aspire to do. It involves dedicating time, energy, and resources to help others in need. However, some…

Repercussions of being generous for sexual gratification

In today’s society, there is a growing trend of people using their wealth and power to gain sexual favours from others. This behaviour is not only unethical…

Extramarital affairs common  among those participate in Community Service

Community service is a noble and selfless act that involves volunteering one’s time and effort to help others. It is a way to give back to society…

You should not look back and cry for your own failures in the past

Life is a journey full of ups and downs. We all have our fair share of successes and failures. However, it is important to remember that failure…

For failures of my own, should I take the revenge from me alone?

Life is a journey full of ups and downs. It is a journey that is not always smooth, and sometimes, we encounter obstacles that we cannot overcome….

Lend a hand

Have you ever wondered what you can do to help those in need in your community?By giving back to the community, we gain a deeper understanding of…

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