“No one has ever become poor by giving.” This quote from Anne Frank conveys us a message that giving to others is really a gift to ourselves.
Love of humanity
Philanthropy, charity, donate ….different words but of similar meaning. In whatever terms it is defined today, the original definition of philanthropy is “the love of humanity”. In any society or community there are opportunities to be philanthropic; to be thoughtful, to be caring, to be one with those around them. Opportunities are plenty in the present world to be demonstrative in the act of charity.
It is very easy to find excuses as to why we should not extend our bounties and kindness to others. We convince ourselves they’re not worthy, they should work harder, and they should be tougher, that we have our own problems to deal with and so on. But that kind of selfishness will never inspire others to do well or change a self-serving society into one of generosity.
Even the smallest gestures today go a long way – and as Anne Frank stated “No-one has ever become poor from giving.”
No quote has ever resonated in my heart and soul as the one above mentioned does.
It is also important to give to people you may not even know, not only friends and relatives. Giving to people, especially to people you don’t know, makes one feel good. We can make our own happiness and the best way to do so is by being generous to others. It is now a researched fact that giving to others, even if life has dealt you a difficult blow, will make you happier and healthier. Generosity is truly the best gift you can give to yourself.
Be happy
Do you want to feel happier, healthier, have better relationships, provide a greater example of good, become connected to something greater than you are and be even more thankful? Then it is the time to add what you could share. Perhaps you need to find a local organization whose mission is correspond with you and help with-in your reach. By sharing your time, your talent or resources, you can help change the world to a better place. It says the happiness operates in a positive loop; yes, happier people give more and giving makes people happy.
After all, “No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving”.