Help others – to live a life of integrity

Help is a word that implies lending hand to accomplish a task or satisfy a need of another and helping others that is contribute strength or means , render assistance, cooperate effectively are the greatest quality of the human being in all times.

It is the first step at making world a better place and improving the lives and living standards of those who are under-privileged. Perhaps it costs nothing: lending hand or rending service but for the person who receives it; could be everything at that particular moment. There are thousands of ways and numerous styles to aid people who are in need. The step towards helping others should be, finding out the priorities, that is the dire necessity at the hour. The people that we help may be strangers, family, friends, colleagues or Neighbours. They could be old or young, at vicinity or in distance . It might be assisting our friends and family while expecting nothing in return or extending help to a complete stranger on the other side of the world.

There are several viable ways to fulfill the purpose of life of serving and helping others. It can be defined in various factors such as financial help, physical help, mental help and social help. Financial help is adding someone with hard cash who is in financial crises. It could be anyone: students that struggle to complete studies due to lack of funds, individuals or families fighting for living or/and bringing up the children. For these categories, the priority is finance and substantial support could change their destiny in a way.

Sharing your knowledge and resources with others, making others aware of an opportunity, giving transparent feedback to others; these are some of the forms of social help.

No matter what kind of help you offer no matter whom we help, it is more important to notice that another person is gaining something just because of our help. However when doing so, we should not expect something in return. Our intention should be lessen other people’s misery. When we do this, nature in turn will reward us. Helping others is good for our mind and body. It also makes us happier and healthier. When we help others it activates the areas of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust. It increases life satisfaction and feeling of competence, provides a sense of purpose, improves our mood and reduce stress. It can help to take our mind off our own troubles too.

Studies have shown that giving money away trends to make people happier than spending it on themselves.

It is true that the more we help others more benefits we’ll experience. Helping others is like helping ourselves to spread the kindness and to live peaceful life.

S S Hettiarachchi

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